sobota, 13 października 2007


The mantras that are found in many of the ancient religious scriptures, has long been an area for scientific research because the vibrations produced and frequencies of the concerned words (e.g.: MaRaThaNa) have been able to do a lot of good to ones physical structure than many medicines of modern day could. Mantras were actually practiced by the ancient people to get more out of life, to enable them for a healthy life. Every mantra does the same and the Marathana mantra is no different. Marathana mantra is one of the best among all others and it is a perfect mantra when it comes to the practical nature of mantra.

The marathana mantra actually involves saying the word slowly and with deep calmness in heart. Everyone can say the word marathana, but how you say it is what matters. One has to utter the word " Ma - Ra - Tha - Na" syllable wise slowly. It can be done as and when time permits and is feasible too, but the key aspect of Marathana mantra lies in the way you keep your calmness and tranquility of heart when you recite the word slowly.

The in depth looks into the mantra also reveals that the recital of the word in marathana mantra has it own impact. Each syllable in it has unique impact on the body and mind. The blood circulation and active nature of the nerve cells are found to be running in an optimized state when uttering the " Ma - Ra - Tha - Na" mantra.

The linguistic analysis of the word has yielded many meanings to the marathana mantra and its origin, but none is confirmatory. Some Christian oriented research say that marathana mantra is from the biblical word " marathana" which forms the last word of bible(meaning speculated as "come my god"), and some Sanskrit language analysis, says that marathana mantra is the one done before start of yoga, meaning "start of Yoga".

Whatever the speculated meaning of the marathana mantra be, the ultimate thing that everyone should get from it is that every mantra is to get the best out of us, and marathana mantra is just one of it kind that integrates simplicity and effectiveness. The word can be recited from anywhere, the only thing that matters the most the way in which we direct and compose our mind's state when reciting. This composure gives the maximum yield when recital. The marathana mantra is widely practiced even today and has gained popularity among all age groups. The best comes out when the best is done better, and best of our health comes when best of mantra, Marathana mantra, is practiced better.

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